One day in January 2024, two sisters were complaining about work via text. From there, My 600lb Podcast was born. It started as a fun way for the two sisters to get together every week and chat about one of their favorite TLC guilty pleasures, My 600lb Life.
Started by two sisters Jess & Jen, GabaGorlStudio is a platform for people to chat about trashy reality tv guilty pleasures!
What does GabaGorl mean?
Well, pass the gabagool (Italian cold cut meat) do we got a story for you! Just kidding there is no story, we’re just two Italian Americans who love memes. We had been calling each other gorl or gorls via text for so long, and gabagirl just didn’t hit as funny as gabagorl. BTW Jen is pescatarian (no meat but seafood) so she can’t even eat gabagool!
How can you make fun of people on TV?
It’s easy, they chose to be on TV and we didn’t. We’re not perfect either but also we are not putting our lives out there for a production company to exploit us.
Will you get cast members on to interview?
Absolutely not. This is a fan podcast and I’d rather them not be involved.
Why do you jump around episodes?
We wanted to do the episodes we liked best first, then have our fans decide what they want to hear!